You already save lots of these on your claims when you hire us to do the adjustment/appraisal.
This month, you can take $100.00 off our service bill for claims assigned to us in the month of April.
Mud season is upon us here in northern y, or a fire truck that pulled off to the shoulder and sank in – you guessed it – mud.
If you’re wondering about spring, it’s typically one day in the month of May when it is 72 degrees with low humidity and a mild breeze. It’s the day before the black flies arrive.
In my line of work, mud season can be busy. Lots of people who operate trucks and heavy equipment work in the woods, or in and out of the woods as the case may be. All of them right now are racing to finish the job they are working on to get their equipment out of the woods while they still can, before the roads thaw up and turn to mud. All this rushing gives way to a few accidents. And there are a few that are wondering if they really want to drag that piece of @#$% that has been giving them hassle all winter long out of the woods at all – wouldn’t it be a shame if that one caught on fire.
So in celebration of mud season and customer appreciation, I’m firing up the old Dodge 4x4 pickup and offering a $100.00 off any claim you assign me for the whole month of April (actually Monday, March 30th through April 30, 2009).
You’ll save $100.00 off my services and as usual, I’ll save you serious money on the claim.
You must mention the mud season special - write it on the fax cover or in the email subject - otherwise I can't track how my marketing efforts work.
Thank you!
Tom Fergus
North Eastern Truck & Equipment Claims, Inc.
49 Center Street, PO Box 27
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
603/569-8910 FAX 569-8920
Fine Print: Not applicable to desk review claims.